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    Embrace Wellness with Meridian Point Tapping Technique: A Guide to EFT  


      – MARK TWAIN



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    Meet Dr. Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri (PhD), an international luminary in the realm of personal transformation and holistic healing. A luminescent blend of dynamic speaker, visionary trainer, and compassionate guide, Dr. Choudhuri has dedicated her life to sharing alternative therapies and coaching techniques that bring about profound and swift change.

    With a PhD in Cancer Research and a history of steering multi-billion dollar international enterprises, Dr. Choudhuri's trajectory took a transformative turn when she established Vitality Living College in 2009. As an NLP Master Trainer, the pioneering mind behind Breakthrough Coaching, an EFT Master Trainer, Matrix Reimprinting Trainer, and a respected presenter for the Journey, she radiates a unique and resonant energy.

    Dr. Choudhuri's seminars are like lightning strikes of positive transformation, igniting lasting shifts in health, relationships, work, wealth, and spirituality. Her approach, simultaneously compassionate and laser-focused, cuts through the superfluous to manifest the extraordinary.

    Having personally impacted over 4000 lives through live interventions, training, and personalized sessions, her prowess is unmistakable. Swiftly gauging situations, she leverages her skills to engineer breakthroughs, a talent she now imparts to others. Her mission: cultivating 1000 trainers worldwide, each armed with the tools of healing and empowerment.

    From bustling metropolises to quiet villages, from boardrooms to classrooms, Dr. Choudhuri's influence resonates. Her legacy is one of empowerment, creating a tapestry of lives woven with threads of resilience, transformation, and boundless potential.

  • Understanding the Meridian Point Tapping Technique


    EFT or Meridian point tapping technique is a powerful self-help tool, combining the principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. The technique involves tapping on the meridian points of the body while verbalizing (internally or out loud) your specific problem and voicing positive affirmations. This process helps unblock energy disruptions, which are the source of emotional discomfort and physical ailments.

    The Science Behind Meridian Point Tapping


    EFT has gained traction due to its increasing scientific validation. Studies suggest that tapping on specific meridian points can send signals directly to the stress centers of the mid-brain. Unlike conventional therapeutic methods, EFT doesn't rely on talk therapy or medication. Instead, it addresses the energy imbalance directly, without digging up a lot of emotional pain and trauma, making it a gentler approach to self-healing.


    Benefits of the Meridian Point Tapping Technique


    The benefits of EFT are comprehensive, influencing various areas of our lives. Here are some of the key benefits:

    Reduces Stress and Anxiety

    EFT has shown remarkable results in reducing stress and anxiety. The tapping process helps calm the nervous system, reducing the psychological stress response.

    Enhances Emotional Well-being

    Meridian point tapping helps to release trapped emotions and energy, thereby enhancing emotional well-being. It is an excellent tool for managing negative emotions like anger, sadness, guilt, and fear.

    Improves Physical Health

    EFT can contribute to physical health by alleviating symptoms of some medical conditions. Tapping has been used to help manage chronic pain, fatigue, and other health issues.

  • How to Implement Meridian Point Tapping Technique?

    EFT is a simple technique that can be easily learned and applied. Here's a basic way to implement it:


    Identify the issue

    Before you start tapping, it's crucial to pinpoint the problem you want to address.


    Determine the intensity:

    Rate the intensity of your distress on a scale from 1 to 10.


    The setup:

    Begin by tapping the "karate chop" point on your hand and saying a setup phrase aloud.


    The sequence:

    Tap about five times on each of the meridian points while repeating a reminder phrase to keep your system tuned into the issue.


    Re-evaluate the intensity:

    At the end of your sequence, take a deep breath and rate the intensity of your distress again.


    Repeat if necessary:

    If your distress level has not decreased enough, you can repeat the process until it does.


    Century House, Forty Avenue, Wembley Park,
    Greater London, HA98RS, United Kingdom
    Monday - Saturday